Lead by our commitment to sustainability, we put people and the environment at the forefront of everything we do
ESG is at the core of everything we do
2H Resources is committed to ensuring the wellbeing of our people, the communities we engage with and the environments we operate in.
We recognise that our success is dependent upon attracting and retaining the best people and creating a culture that ensures their health, safety and wellbeing. Therefore, we are committed to protecting the health and safety of all personnel as well as the environment, cultural heritage, and communities in the vicinity of all our activities. The priority is ensuring zero harm, which means no injuries or illness to staff or community as a result of operations..
We are committed to creating a culture that ensures the health, safety and wellbeing of our people and stakeholders at all times.
We recognise that exceptional environmental performance is a requirement for successful operations. We are committed to minimising the impact of operations on the natural environment and plan all activities to ensure that they are undertaken in an environmentally sustainable manner, with all environmental risks and impacts as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP). We recognise that our success is dependent upon attracting and retaining the best people and creating a culture that ensures their health, safety and wellbeing.
We are committed to achieve net zero carbon emissions and ensure our operations have minimal impact on the environment.
We are committed to creating and maintaining a culture of proper conduct and fair and honest dealing in its business activities.
We are committed to creating and maintaining a culture of proper conduct and fair and honest dealing in our business activities. We have put policies in place to ensure that our business is run to the highest standard of ethics.