Buru Energy - Natural Hydrogen Business Update

2H Resources is confirmed as the preferred applicant for the grant of six South Australian Petroleum Exploration Licences (PELs) for hydrogen exploration that are geologically on trend with legacy hydrogen discoveries. The PEL applications cover some 30,000 sq km and including two additional applications for Gas Storage Exploration Licences (GSELs) of 5,700 sq kms, cover an area the size of Belgium

An independent third-party resource assessment by RISC Advisory indicates a range of risked prospective hydrogen resources across the six application areas of between 49 million kilograms (1U) and 1.3 billion kilograms (3U) with a risked Prospective Best Estimate Resource (2U) of 343 million kilograms.

Using state of the art technology, 2H Resources has detected anomalous hydrogen concentrations in recent exploration wells, and hydrogen has been detected in many legacy drill holes in Australia and as seeps and flowing accumulations in international areas.

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Energy Today - 2H Resources frontrunner for SA hydrogen play


Proactive Investors - Buru’s hydrogen and helium subsidiary conducts third-party prospective hydrogen resource assessment; set to pick licences